Curly Girl Movement


Design Lead


1 month

Team size

2 designers





About the client

Curly Girl Movement is a store that focuses on selling hair products for women with curly hair. They also have a saloon where people can go to get their hair done. It has become a very big brand in The Netherlands and a lot of women from age 15-40 know about it.

My role

I was the head designer working together with an intern. I was responsible for creating a new unique brand identity and optimizing the webshop in order to convert more.


User research

To start off the project, I wanted to get a clear image of who the users of CGM are. It is important to understand who you’re designing for. We were able to talk with our users and find out how they are thinking, what their frustrations are and what makes them buy products such as the ones from CGM. Combining these talks with Google Analytics, we were able to understand the users. These are some of the findings:

Some key points

  • Frustration on not finding the right product
  • Not getting enough product information
  • Often don't get educated enough

Competitor analysis

We did a competitor analysis to see how the competitors are performing. The goal of this research was to find the strengths and weaknesses and to see how CGM could be different from the rest. We gathered all the strengths from the competitors and implemented them in our designs if they were relevant. These are some of the brands and our findings.

Some key points

  • They often showcase good USP's
  • Have good brand identity
  • Often only focus on selling products and not hair treatments


By creating user journeys and sitemaps we designed the quickest ways for the users to achieve their user goals. It also helped us intro structuring the entire website, making it more easy to create designs.

Some key points

  • Needs to work according to the Shopify structure
  • Needs to funnel well with ads
  • Navigating needs to be quick and easy

Main goal

“Create products that will help manage and inform the user in their reintegration process.”

Other goals

Support managers with their work by giving them the option get personal help from Robidus

Other goals

Make the website minimalistic and easy to use so components can be reused.

Client needs

Make a mobile application that is easily accessible for all kinds of people.

The users

Women desiring curly gair

We targeted this design for users that have heard of the company and would take a look at the website out of curiosity. It needs to bring a sign of authority and trust.

Some goals

  • Find the right product that fits their hair
  • Wants to be educated on getting and maintaining curly hairs
  • Book hair treatment appointments.



For CGM we conducted 3 rounds of wireframing. After every wireframe design, we tested and asked for feedback. This feedback was then applied to the new version. After the third round we felt like the product was how we wanted it to be and created a final design. Enough of our design choices were validated.

Showcasing products in a unique way
Showcasing products in a unique way
Helping users find the right products with a quiz
Showcasing how products work
Gaining trust with users
Creating header style variants

Final designs

Curly Girl Quiz

Helping users decide what products fit best through a quiz. They can answer basic question and eventually get a product recommendation.

Adding products

With some nice UX patterns we managed to increase the total order value by using effortless ways to add products to the cart. On the product page for example, we made the add to cart button sticky on mobile. We also created a sales funnel on this page to answer all the questions a user might had. On other parts of the website, the user has the ability to buy the products that other users are using as well.

Gaining trust

By giving good product information we increased the users' trust. We did this by showcasing how the product is being used, what it contains and the results it can bring. We also implemented a lot of photos of women that have already used the products. This gave social proof to the webshop.